
Azotobacter Technology-Liquid Formulation

Intensive farming practices have led to extensive use of chemical fertilizers which have been environmentally and economically inhibitory ultimately reducing soil fertility and loss of ecological balance. Chemical fertilizers have become the major source of nitrogen for crop plants, which is an expensive commodity for marginal and poor farmers. An interesting alternative to avoid or reduce the use of N-fertilizers could be the exploitation of Biofertilizers and eco-friendly solutions which are microbe based products which supply N. Technology Details:
Azotobacter is a free-living N2- fixing diazotroph that has several beneficial effects on crop growth and yield. It helps in the synthesis of growth-regulating substances like auxins, cytokinin and Gibberellic Acid (GA). In addition, it stimulates rhizospheric microbes, protects the plants from phytopathogens, improves nutrient uptake and ultimately boosts up biological nitrogen fixation. Seed treatment with Azotobacter Biofertilizer has shown an increase in yields of many vegetables, and cereal crops and improvement in soil N-nutrient status. The Azotobacter Liquid formulations have a longer shelf life and can be used through drip irrigation also.